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A conversation with Buddha

I started to read a book called “An Indian Poem”, a Nobel price book written by Hermann Hesse. Right from the start I got absorbed by the beautiful messages behind the story of a young Brahmin called Siddhartha. Here is a message I would like to share:

Siddartha was a Brahmin loved and respected by everyone. He had everything one could ask for but inside he felt bothered by an emotional and spiritual unrest. He felt the need to understand these frustrations and this became his path. He did everything to become a stellar Brahmin but still no answer was found. He then joined a group of spiritual hermits in the forest in a new attempt to dilute his frustrations. But again, no luck.

One day, he learnt about a man called Gautama, also known by the name of Buddha, and he got to listen to his talks. Later on, by chance, he shares his frustrations with Gautama in a short conversation. He realises that no doctrine or teaching should be followed in order to live or understand the meaning of his life. Siddhartha became conscious that he had been craving and suffering from his quest towards understanding, always looking for more knowledge to explain his unexplainable frustrations. Teachings are only there to guide him spiritually so he can decipher a path to his own true self. The true self is found inside everyone and that is where your own “doctrine" can be found. He learned frustrations are not what makes him “Him” when looking closer with the right presence. It is not intellect people should seek but a feeling of peace, alignment and lightness. In the past, Siddhartha had been searching for an answer in his practices as a Brahmin and then suppressed his mind and body as a Hermit. Now, he understood neither way was the answer. Instead, detachment and observation were actions he needed to nurture so he could tame is ego and mind. The coming and going of thoughts should be noticed just as they are. Body sensations should be gazed with the consciousness of the mind, present in each moment. With time and patience, these skills could be perfected so the experience of his real being could grow in search for his inner peace.

As a Brahmin, Siddhartha had everything to intellectually unlock these simple and pure messages. Detached from any outside noise and judgment, Buddha listened to Siddhartha’s frustrations with true compassion. This random conversation with the enlightened one was the key to Siddartha's own door. Buddha´s pure energy, way of seeing, talking and moving were the key´s instructions for those who were open to grasp them. For an instant, Siddhartha found the strength to go forward and experience through Buddha his own self. He felt enlightened too.

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